Хорошие новости для владельцев Радеонов, вышла уже третья preview/beta версия драйверов Catalyst 11.4 (только для Windows 7 x86/x64). Главной новостью стала поддержка Radeon HD 6790, карточки что готовится к скорому релизу. Я с радостью бы поставил дрова, покопался бы в настройках, но у меня GeForce GTX280
Хотя нет - уже 8800 GTX 
Посмотреть список изменений на английском
Support for the AMD Radeon™ HD 6790 series of products
A number of performance optimizations, as highlighted here:
Performance enhancement for Shogun 2 (DX11 version) when running Anti-Aliasing
Enhancements to the AMD Catalyst Control Center™
- New task based Display Management controls
- Simplifies the configuration of displays and display settings
- New Eyefinity setup group
- Setting up an Eyefinity group has never been easier
- New branding (based on system configuration)
- AMD based platform – AMD VISION Engine Control Center
- Discrete AMD GPU with Intel CPU – AMD Catalyst Control Center™
- AMD Catalyst update notification (found within the Information Center)
- Please note this functionality is not yet enabled, but will be in a future AMD Catalyst release
- This feature will be used to notify users that new AMD Catalyst software packages are available
Includes fixes where Dragon Age 2 would hang in DirectX11 on ATI Radeon™ HD 5800 Series products.
Includes fixes where MediaEspresso 6.5 and 6.0 may crash while initializing
Includes a fix for game corruption issues in BulletStorm
Includes a fix for the AMD Catalyst Control Center install; resolves the issue of not being able to launch CCC after Catalyst has finished installing
Includes a fix for the Tessellation slider sometimes setting the incorrect value
Catalyst 11.4 Beta 3 для Windows 7 x64 & x86
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