Хорошие новости для владельцев Радеонов, вышла WHQL-версия драйверов Catalyst, версия 11.9 (для Windows 7/Vista x86/x64 и Windows XP x86/x64). Я с радостью бы поставил дрова, покопался бы в настройках, но у меня GeForce GTX280
Теперь я выкладываю драйверы не только на обменники, но и на Торрент-трекер, так что смело качаем оттуда !
Фраза для поисковиков: скачать драйвер Catalyst 11.9 WHQL
Resolved Issues for the Windows 7 Operating System:
This section provides information on resolved known issues in this release of the AMD Catalyst 11.9 software suite for Windows 7. These include:
STALKER – Call of Pripyat no longer hangs randomly when launching a new game or opening a previously saved game.
Scaling options are now correctly displayed when connecting a Digital monitor to the Display port on some video cards.
The following games no longer experience random hangs during game loading :
Call of Duty – Black Ops
F1 2010
Dungeon Siege 3
The following games no longer hang intermittently during gameplay:
Battlefield - Bad Company 2
Dead Rising 2
The following games no longer hangs while running the benchmark :
Serious Sam 2
Resident Evil 5
HAWX 2 no longer displays random flashing black pixels
Flashing pixel corruption is no longer experienced while playing F1 2010 and Dirt 2
The Windows Event Log no longer reports unwanted Distributed DCOM errors.
Negative Crossfire Scaling is no longer occasionally observed while playing EarthSim 2, Battle – Bad Company 2 , Metro and HAWX
Video corruption is no longer observed while playing full screen HD WMV format files using PowerDVD with Windows Aero Mode turned off.
Blank video playback is no longer observed when hardware accelerations is enabled in VLC 1.1.10
Dawn of War II – Retribution no longer exhibits a black screen when alt-tabbing in and out of the game
Random display corruption is no longer observed when playing WMV format files using Windows Media Player
City of Heroes no longer experiences stuttering after excessive use if in-game Anti-Aliasing slider
Resolved Issues for the Windows Vista Operating System:
This section provides information on resolved known issues in this release of the AMD Catalyst™ 11.9 software suite for Windows Vista. These include:
The screen no longer goes black on when the Aero Desktop is enabled on some Radeon products.
Lost Planet 2 no longer randomly crashes when running the benchmark
Resolved Issues for the Windows XP Operating System:
This section provides information on resolved known issues in this release of the AMD Catalyst™ 11.9 software suite for Windows XP. These include:
Enemy Territory – Quake Wars no longer displays random screen corruption
Cyberlink PowerDVD no longer hangs when attempting to play a BluRay disc.
Known issues under the Windows 7 operating system:
The following section provides a summary of open issues that may be experienced under the Windows 7 operating system in the latest version of AMD Catalyst™. These include:
The display may freeze after playing HD Videos over an extended period of time using Windows Media Center
Random screen tearing may be observed while playing Portal 2
Random screen corruption may be observed while playing Wolfenstein in multiplayer mode
Random corruption may be experienced while playing Enemy Territory – Quake Wars
Choppy playback may be experienced during playback of interlaced DVD content in full screen mode using PowerDVD 11
Known Issues under the Windows Vista Operating System:
The following section provides a summary of open issues that may be experienced under the Windows Vista operating system in the latest version of AMD Catalyst™. These include:
Windows Aero options may not be available after installing the driver
Catalyst 11.9 WHQL для Windows Vista/7 x64 & x86
Catalyst 11.9 WHQL для Windows XP x64 & x86
А можно скачать любую актуальную Beta/WHQL-версию драйверов по ТОРРЕНТУ.
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