Хорошие новости для владельцев Радеонов, вышла WHQL версия драйверов Catalyst 13.1 (для Windows 7/8/Vista и XP x86/x64). Я с радостью бы поставил новые "дрова", покопался бы в настройках, но у меня GeForce GTX 680
Традиционно, я выкладываю драйверы не только на обменники, но и на Торрент-трекер, так что смело качаем оттуда !
Фраза для поисковиков: скачать драйвер Catalyst 13.1 WHQL
AMD Catalyst Control Center: New 3D settings and profile management user interface:
AMD Catalyst 13.1 features a newly designed 3D application settings page, designed to allow users to more easily adjust and control their 3D settings on a per application basis.
Performance Highlights of AMD Catalyst 13.1 (vs. AMD Catalyst 12.10): Includes all of the performance improvements found in AMD Catalyst 12.11 Beta 11
- Performance gains seen on the entire AMD Radeon HD 7000 Series:
- All game were tested at high / extreme / ultra levels
- Enhanced performance in Far Cry 3 (up to 25% with 8xMSAA, SSAO enabled @ 1600p, and up to 15% with 8xMSAA, HDAO enabled @1600p) (AMD Catalyst 12.11 CAP2 must also be installed)
- Enhanced AMD CrossFire™ scaling performance in Call of Duty Black Ops 2
- Up to 10%-15% more performance in Battlefield 3 in most cases
- • More than 20% in certain missions and sequences (Comrades)
- Up to 7% more performance in Metro 2033
- Up to 10% more performance in DiRT Showdown
- Up to 8% more performance in Sleeping Dogs
- Up to 12% more performance in Civilization V
- Up to 10% more performance in StarCraft II
- Up to 8% more performance in Sniper Elite: V2
- Up to 5% more performance in Max Payne 3
- AMD Catalyst Mobility 7970M performance for AMD Enduro™ technology supported platforms has been improved for DirectX® 9, DirectX 10 and DirectX 11 applications:
- 3DMark® 06 – Up to 6%
- 3DMark Vantage – Up to 15%
- 3DMark 11 – Up to 12%
- AvP – Up to 11%
- Battlefield 3 – Up to 25%
- Call of Duty: Black Ops – Up to 13%
- Crysis 2: Up to 45%
- DiRT Showdown – Up to 62%
- ETQW – Up to 8%
- Hard Reset – Up to 8%
- Just Cause 2 – Up to 90%
- Mafia 2 – Up to 40%
- The Chronicles of Riddick – Up to 4%
- Shogun 2 – Up to 56%
- StarCraft 2 – Up to 25%
- Skyrim – Up to 45%
- Sniper Elite V2 – Up to 60%
- Tom Clancy’s HAWX – Up to 56%
- Unigine Heaven – Up to 33%
- Wolfenstein – Up to 9%
Resolved Issues for the Windows 8 / Windows 7 Operating Systems:
This section provides information on resolved known issues in this release of the AMD Catalyst 13.1 software suite.
- A sporadic system hang encountered with a single AMD Radeon HD 7000 Series GPU seen on X58 and X79 chipsets.
- An intermittent hang encountered with AMD Radeon HD 7000 Series GPUs in an AMD CrossFire + Eyefinity setup.
- Missing fonts in XBMC
- No video found in Media Player Classic Home Cinema when using full or half floating point processing
- Skyrim lighting (missing a lighting pass) for the AMD Radeon HD 7900 Series
- Skyrim cloud corruption experience in various in game locations
- A hang playing Dishonored on the AMD Radeon HD 6000 and AMD Radeon HD 5000 Series
- Engine and memory clocks running too high when the GPU is idle.
- GPU activity runs at lower values than expected seen on the AMD Radeon HD 7870.
- Corruption seen in Darkness 2 and Carrier Command when using AMD CrossFire configurations
- Adobe Premier Pro CS6 may fail to launch
- Hang experienced with AMD Crossfire and Eyefinity enabled on X58 and X78 chipsets
- Corel PaintShop Pro X3 – Hangs at the “Initializing Command Manager” window
- Company of Heroes 2 – display corruption experienced when AA is enabled in the AMD Catalyst Control Center
- Cyberlink Powerdirector 10 crashes intermittently.
- Company of Heroes : Tales of Valor – Flickering experienced when AA is disabled
- Max Payne 3 – Flickering experienced in DirectX 9 mode with forced AA enabled
- Cyberlink PoweDVD 10 – crashes intermittently
- VLC - Green texture corruption seen in 720p MPEG2 video clips
- Black screen encountered when “Alternate DVI mode” is enabled in the AMD Catalyst Control Center
- Green display corruption seen in Skype webcam video
Known Issues
The following section provides a summary of open issues that may be experienced with the AMD Catalyst 13.1 software suite.
Known issues under the Windows 8 Operating System.
- Sleeping Dogs – game may fail to launch in certain configurations
Known issues under the Windows 7 Operating System.
- Shogun 2 – Total War : flickering experienced when game is run in medium quality mode
Catalyst 13.1 WHQL для Windows Vista/7/8 x64 & x86
Catalyst 13.1 WHQL для Windows XP x64 & x86
А можно скачать любую актуальную WHQL/Beta-версию драйверов по ТОРРЕНТУ.
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