Весьма приятные новости для владельцев Радеонов, ибо наконец-то была выпущена свежая Beta версия драйверов Catalyst 14.6 (для Windows 7/8/8.1 и Windows XP). Я с радостью бы поставил новые "дрова", покопался бы в настройках, погонял Mantle, но у меня GeForce GTX 680 и в ближайшее время вряд ли что-то кардинально изменится в этом плане
. Качаем как по прямым ссылкам, так и с моего Торрент-трекера, не стесняемся!
Фраза для поисковиков: скачать драйвер Catalyst 14.6 Beta
Feature Highlights of The AMD Catalyst 14.6 Beta Driver for Windows
- Performance improvements
- Watch Dogs performance improvements
- AMD Radeon R9 290X - 1920x1080 4x MSAA – improves up to 25%
- AMD Radeon R9290X - 2560x1600 4x MSAA – improves up to 28%
- AMD Radeon R9290X CrossFire configuration (3840x2160 Ultra settings, MSAA = 4X) - 92% scaling
- Murdered Soul Suspect performance improvements
- AMD Radeon R9 290X – 2560x1600 4x MSAA – improves up to 16%
- AMD Radeon R9290X CrossFire configuration (3840x2160 Ultra settings, MSAA = 4X) - 93% scaling
- AMD Eyefinity enhancements:
- Mixed Resolution Support
- A new architecture providing brand new capabilities
- Display groups can be created with monitors of different resolution (including difference sizes and shapes)
- Users have a choice of how surface is created over the display group
- Fill – legacy mode, best for identical monitors
- Fit – create the Eyefinity surface using best available rectangular area with attached displays.
- Expand – create a virtual Eyefinity surface using desktops as viewports onto the surface.
- Eyefinity Display Alignment
- Enables control over alignment between adjacent monitors
- One-Click Setup
- Driver detects layout of extended desktops
- Can create Eyefinity display group using this layout in one click!
- New user controls for video color and display settings
- Greater control over Video Color Management:
- Controls have been expanded from a single slider for controlling Boost and Hue to per color axis
- Color depth control for Digital Flat Panels (available on supported HDMI and DP displays)
- Allows users to select different color depths per resolution and display
- AMD Mantle enhancements
- Mantle now supports AMD Mobile products with Enduro technology
- Battlefield 4: AMD Radeon HD 8970M (1366x768; high settings) – 21% gain
- Thief: AMD Radeon HD 8970M (1920x1080; high settings) – 14% gain
- Star Swarm: AMD Radeon HD 8970M (1920x1080; medium settings) – 274% gain
- Enables support for Multi-GPU configurations with Thief (requires the latest Thief update)
- AMD AM1 JPEG decoding acceleration
- JPEG decoding acceleration was first enabled on the A10 APU Series in AMD Catalyst 14.1 beta, and has now been extended to the AMD AM1 Platform
- Provides fast JPEG decompression
- Provides Power Efficiency for JPEG decompression
Known Issues
- Running Watch Dogs with a R9 280X CrossFire configuration may result in the application running in CrossFire software compositing mode
- Enabling Temporal SMAA in the AMD Catalyst Control center under a CrossFire configuration when playing Watch Dogs will result in Flickering
- AMD CrossFire configurations with Eyefinity enabled will see application stability with BattleField 4 or Thief when running Mantle
- Catalyst Install Manager text is covered by Express/Custom radio button text
- Express Uninstall does not remove C:\Program Files\(AMD or ATI) folder
Catalyst 14.6 Beta для Windows Vista/7/8/8.1 x64:
А можно скачать любую актуальную Beta/Beta-версию драйверов по ТОРРЕНТУ.
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